Call for Applications


During the academic year 2023-2024, the University of West Attica and the School of Civil Engineers, will organize for tenth year in row, the post-graduate program POLICIES AND APPLIED METHODS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT. The initial establishment of the program dates back to the academic year 2014-2015 (ΥΑ 117540/Ε/28-8-13 and 3788/9-7-18). The completion of the program offers an accredited Master of Science diploma of 90 ECTS.

Eligible applicants may come from a variety of disciplines relevant to the scope of the post-graduate program, including graduates of Greek or foreign Universities (verified by the Hellenic National Academic recognition and Information Center) and graduates of Higher Educational Technical Institutions (ASPAITE).  Enrollment to the post-graduate program is active until October and lessons begin after the completion of this procedure. Lessons take place at the University of West Attica and all lectures are delivered in Greek. Following pertinent legislation, there is a possibility for online teaching. To acquire the post-graduate degree, students have to participate and successfully complete ten (10) courses, divided equally into two semesters and then complete a post-graduate thesis. The estimated regular attendance time is three semesters and there is also available a part-time version of the post-graduate program. The post-graduate program is self-funded and the fee for each participant is 3000 euros, paid in four (4) installments.

Applicants should submit until July the 23rd 2023 the following documents:


[Note: the application form may be submitted first and then the required documents may be submitted until the 4th of September 2023]


  • Application in special form, available at the Secretariat of the Program and uploaded on the Program’s official webpage ( The application form has to be sent via email to the Secretary of the post-graduate program or to be sent via regular mail to the secretary of the program
  • One small photo attached on the application form
  • The application form and all relevant documents have to be sent to the Director of the Program and to the Scientific Secretary of the Program in the following email addresses and
  • Copy of the University Degree and analytical grade sheet
  • Acknowledgement of the Degree from the Hellenic National Academic recognition and Information Center, for applicants coming from non-Greek Universities
  • Curriculum vitae including information on studies, work experience if any, research experience etc.
  • Letters of recommendation if available
  • Foreign languages certificates
  • A photocopy of the applicant’s personal identification card or passport


Criteria for the selection of the suitable applicants include basic degree grade, academic performance on relevant under-graduate courses, relevant under-graduate thesis, participation in relevant seminars, relevant publications (if any) and relevant research and working experience.

The eligible applicants are going to be invited for an interview.

Further information may be provided by the Scientific Secretariat of the Program, Ms Athina Mela and by the Director of the Program Prof. George Varelidis  (,  mobile phone: 6977-091723 ). Futher information may be also found on the official website of the program .


 Athens, May 2023

The Director of the post-graduate Program

George K. Varelidis,

Dr. Architect- Urban Planner NTUA

Full Professor, University of West Attica

School of Civil Engineering



You may find here the call for applications (in Greek) as a pdf file.